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The Campbell Family's Fun Stuff
10/4/2007 brings with it a larger area maybe with restrictions on the fun and the fright. This years haunt will leave the private sector and enter pro.
We will be doing a haunt at Westside Regional Medical Center in Fort Lauderdale, Fl. It is for charity and any moneys we get from those who enter will go to charity. However it will be indoors again ,which brings the ability to control the surroundings like LIGHT, SOUNDS, TEMPERATURE. So we will keep updating this note as this event gets under way..
10/12/2007 We got the final word of how the haunt will be laid out. We will have two rooms, room 103 on the ground floor as a greeting room or waiting room then you will need to ride a small elevator "Spooky Elevator" by that night up three floors to room 305 where there is only one way in and one way out with spooks between the two. This is sure to be an event by the time we get ready to SCARE!.. However there will be a less scary version according to the size of our guest maybe.. Hope to have some real pictures soon..
10/22/2007 OK, We have finally gotten under way. There is at least a plan in place that will include a few scare points and a walk through worth doing. We will be using the reverse path method of haunt. If you do not know what that means it is simple you channel your "victims" for a lack of a better word into the end of a hallway then guide them back into the hallway to a new exit which was not there before and is the only way out. This is the same method used in my 2002 haunt being there was only one entrance and it had to be the exit also. There will be a five person max at any one time with a waiting room playing TERROR TRAILS as you wait. Do to the time frame we have to work in there will be no animatronics this year, but there instead will be live actors somewhere through-out the haunt. P.S. we will still have a guided tour for the kids to visit the haunt as well with no frights just props to look at.
10/30/2007 NOW this year is what I call a great success, We had 7 volunteers in the haunt at all times and there names will be listed at the bottom of this document. The plan worked as we wanted to do it we had a waiting area with dark lights and a screen playing horror movie trailers. The victims had a guide that took them through the haunt so there would be a set time to get people through. THE FIRST stop was the hallway to the cemetery scene where you will see a boy that spun his head around and laughed at you, Freddy Krueger and a few less fortunate souls stuck in the ground all done with latex. THE SECOND stop took place after another hall walk to the sanitarium where a few patients got loose and threw things at you and jumped around with worms, bugs, and rats. THE THIRD stop was for dinner where we had a good bunch of fingers on hand for supper and a bit of blood red wine. NOW THE FIRST EXIT you will come to was oops not an exit but there was an animatronic that wanted to eat your brain, then the next exit was a pump scene where we had the undead chase, jump, and scare you. THE FIFTH scene was our mad dentist which had a dentist chair filled with an unwilling patient animatronic which was moving its legs as it bled on the sheet covering it. With a drill and a pair of pliers that was glowing from black light the dentist was a good haunt. Now THE SIXTH scene was the life size casket with a real live member of the cast jumping up with candy at our guests and a stand up casket which had a moaning mummy in it alone with smoke and the scare chamber on the other side of the hall with a person that would keep the crowd moving. THE SEVENTH scene was a page from the Jurassic age with a dragon and a a few dinos under a green strobe light. THE EXIT scene was a room with no light except for four strobe lights set to different speeds to cause confusion of the senses. we had a screaming guy that moved animatronic, a hanging ghost, a talking head floating, and a few live actors all in a room with body bags hanging from the ceiling causing a path for exit. THAT WAS IT IN A WALK THROUGH.
As a closing note here.. this could of been a very scary haunt, However the powers in charge wanted more of a family walk through.. So there was no scaring going on just talking as you can see in the video file..
Geri Warford (GUIDE) Leona Hertzerdorf Erika Maggi Stephanie Weber Kristy Haffer
Mike March(DENTIST) Penny Lawrence Liz Gassew Cara Roberts Richard Levenson
Lisa Viera (CRAZY LADY) Debbie White Debbie Newbert Wendy Levenson Marge Albrecht
Kay Crosby (Miss Dracula) Andrea Restrepo Kathleen Ryzoc Sandy Kirschner Marcia Noble
And a very special thanks to Chris Agro for the hours of time he spent helping with the building of this haunt and also the time spent in the GUARD OF HELL COSTUME in the love of the scare!