BoBo and his Family of Characters History

NEW FOR 2025 Real Recordings of First hand Account of BOBO Birth.. By I.N.S.

And Karl Returns​ Click on BoBo's Story...

The Campbell Family's Fun Stuff


This year was started without any plan at all.  It just all came together and grew into what turned out to go just as planed.  

  First thing: How to get people through the house on a path without destroying the house? 

 First cover the whole floor with construction rolled painting paper. That also helps because you can have blood drops and footprints over the floor and create paths to follow.

  Second build fake walls out of 2x4's and use 4"gaffers tape to tape them into place so there is no holes to patch later.  cover the wall with preprinted wall cover from spirit Halloween(Clown strips on top and bricks on bottom.)

So we are on our way now... How to block the stairs to the 2nd floor?

 What they cant see they cant use...  So we build a tunnel from the front door under the steps to the dinning room area.​​  Cover the whole thing with black (2 Layers) shade netting so the air can still get through the walls so it stays at the proper temperature.

We did the same thing in the garage as an exit with the shade netting so it will cover the 12 LED lights on ceiling to create bright lightning effects.  

So here is the jist..  

 Through the front door to a tunnel closed at the end, after going through a curtain you're now in the dining and kitchen area surrounded by the resident clowns cooking dinner which you're part of...  You pass through the kitchen filled with the bodies of the last dinner guests to enter the jungle in the garage inhabited by the zombies trying to get into the house.  You exit this nightmare through the 20 foot clown at the front of the house.