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NEW FOR 2025 Real Recordings of First hand Account of BOBO Birth.. By I.N.S.

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The Campbell Family's Fun Stuff

​2008 has become a bit of a disappointment due to the two great prospects both had some problems. The first one that contacted me was the Fort Lauderdale COYOTE UGLY, they just did not call back after a few conversations about making there unused side( ON THE CORNER) into a haunted place with a 45 foot long entrance of terror.  This would have been the first outright pay and scare project BUT  NO-GO.

The second choice was the same place as last year which was not a scare-fest however did turn out impressive to most.  The WESTSIDE REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER OUT-BUILDING.  That turned out a disaster due to the building is NOW being torn down.

So here we are with many high scare props and no place to put them... What else to do but build a 20 foot tunnel and use your two car garage.  Never had a two car  garage before with a haunt in mind so it will be as big as any home haunts except now we have so many props to place.  I will take pics and post them on the site so lets see what happens!  HAPPY HAUNTING FOR NOW!!

Now  this year started out with high expectations' which gives way to disappointment.  However  when you think big you have to plan for a large area haunt. This year we have taken a large idea and placed in into a small area, which happens to be my 2 car garage.

  So the first thing is to plan out the space (PICTURE AT BOTTOM) which who better to draw this than my 5 year old helper (SON).  We find that our space will not hold the needed items to produce this years planed haunt so we EXPAND.  So we will use part of our driveway as an entrance tunnel which frees up all of the garage space for the main haunt.

THE HAUNT : by the numbers

1- Long dark entrance with a full center row of black lights, hanging figures down the middle with a low smoke.

2- the body butcher/ Candle lit room with a butcher paper floor and hanging heads and body parts you must move to walk through (of course some of the heads have to talk when you move them)

3- Pitch black hallway with glow in the dark fling things (bats, bugs, and the bothersome threads hanging down) - also THIS ROOM is where the moaning lady tries to grab your feet from under the table.

4- the delay corner  With a sight of what is coming this is where a scare might get things moving again from behind.

5- Dungeon with hanging ropes (wet),  chains, a few shrunken heads and a moving person dressed completely in black just to scare. Oh ya the only light here will be from thunder produced by BRIGHT BLUE NEON LIGHTS run off a lightning switch.

​​6- Outdoor graveyard scene with some movement, and props

7- Movie screen playing the TERROR TRAILS DVD sold on this web site.

8- EYES in the windows looking around..




 WE Started by building the tunnel with a tight cable from the house to a tree next to the driveway. then there was a frame 4 foot wide built with a tarp flung over it to water proof the display. After that there were four tie downs to keep it level.   the walls in the garage were 1X2's screwed to the ceiling and black and grey cloth stapled to it forming the pathway.   the graveyard was built on 4X8 plywood as a base with the gravestones screwed down to keep then in place and everything was covers with mulch. a 4X4 border was added to hold the fence around the graveyard. This will allow removal with NO damage to the drive.


 1- YARD sound through a set of high end studio monitors placed a angles to throw the sound through the neighborhood .( 2008yardA.mp3)

2- Computer subwoofer sound set for the graveyard scene. (2008Graveset.mp3)

3- Inside sounds where run on an ultra-pure YAMAHA (CLASS-A) 800 watt amp running four BOSS series two monitor speakers,  Two different tracks one for lightning (constant) and a sound track that activates only with an entrance switch (HAUNTthunder.mp3)(EXPHALLV09.mp3)

4- Basic set of yamaha bookshelf speakers for the video track playing on the screen .



 A smoke machine next to a tree with a pipe running up to the top of the tree makes an spooky fog that floats across the front of the house.

a small DVD player 2 sheets and 2 TORPEDO 35 watt projectors makes the eerie EYES in the window