BoBo and his Family of Characters History

NEW FOR 2025 Real Recordings of First hand Account of BOBO Birth.. By I.N.S.

And Karl Returns​ Click on BoBo's Story...

The Campbell Family's Fun Stuff


2016: There has been a new complete from scratch display ordered for next years haunt!  "The Crated  Killer Klown Freak"  more details along with progress photos to come soon.. 

​Nov:19:15 Just got a quick look at the new Klown Freak Prop, Looking way strange so far even without hair..  There is a killer klown look to the head so far..

​January 4th 2016:  So after a few calls and a change in trucks the package was dropped in the garage.  280 Lbs worth.  so its here and I have no time to test it due to leaving for the week like NOW...   Sigh  Box looks good and the basic setup is as I thought.  Laptop that came with unit has software for a few routines and software to make others..  What should he say first??? HHmm  we will see...

Fecuary 19th 2016:  After doing some work on the cable design.  I have ordered some new switch systems to expand the clowns control to yard effects and even a few haunted lights to be controlled with his voice (so say) .   

Febuary 26th 2016:  I am still waiting for the equipment to come, but I did work on his face and hair I think he is downright perfect now. as an old should be dead already clown..

March 6th 2016: Finally after much reading and work, we have 30 channels of switching centers to control anything from lights,sounds, and even house color.  And another 25 low power prop sets so the entire front yard or haunt location if we get one will now be controlled by our Klown-Crate system..  

  Now we start the long process of multiple skit programs that run throught the night on a random rotation.  (If all goes well we will have atleast 10 skits)


MARCH 30th 2016: I have finally gotten the external lights and switch boxes set up so they can be configured.  Also got the mic and programs needed to start making my own clown talk.  But fo now I have a few pre-configured skits that will need to be re-edited for the effect i want the list is long and will have many changes i am sure....

                              ( ALL THE FOLLOWING ROUTINES ARE DONE AND TESTED [10/16/16])

                                                                  Animatronic Routines

 BOBO the clown/Crazy Clown/Rats       There are Rats  (BOBO)             The Rhyme of ME (SAM)

​ I Like Nightmares(BO-SAM)  (SONG)         Freak Show (BOBO)                    lOST dog(BOBO)

​ The haunting                                      Killer Klown (Song)                  I can See you (BOBO)

 Trick or Treat <KIDS>                           Let me Out  (BOBO)                  Opening Stage show ACT

 I will be good  (BOBO)                           Don't Put Me Back (SAM)           Close The Crate (SAM)

                                                        VIDEO INTERMISSION FILES

Creepy Intermission                            Birth Of Sam and BOBO              Sam Upset he has no body           10 Minute Clown]

Full Schoolbus Story                            Seasons Greetings                    Sams Movie Debut     

All these will run on a timer all night as well as be controlled by remote.  Total show time should be about 45 minutes to see the set of BOBO that is.  but there will be a few sets without a bobo action also.  for a total of 1 hour 25 minutes for the full show to be seen..

 April 9th 2016:  We have taken the BOBO clown to a new level with custom work direct from the UK voice to the campbellween stage.  This halloween is going to rock from the samples so far..  As the last update said we will have a 1 hour show repeating if all goes well. So make plans early to come by and see the outcome of this combined effort of skulltronix clown crate transformed into much more on the Campbellween Stage!..  

April 16th 2016:  So the extra weight from the re-design has caused me to have to replace a few servos in the head so it can fully function without limits to look natural and real.  So we know have a few full metal gear servos and even a titanium drive/case servo due to its high torque with light weight.

  BOBO has taken a change to the creepy also. soon will post more updated pics.  The story is written and can be seen on the 2016 Halloween page in the pull down above. 

May 10th 2016:  Just got in an original latex casting fully painted of the creepy "IT" from Trick-r-Treat the movie.  it will be completely animated and have the show stage with BOBO at some points and alone at others. below there is a single pic.

 BOBO's new hands have been finished and are holding up his crate. pics below..  the next video post in mid June will show the full crate as it will be for the show this year. 

WE have started the process of syncing all the equipment in each skit.  A long process and wires and lights everywhere all over the house for a few weeks..  since most people here can not ever see the real haunt I will post videos of each scene until I get real videos of Halloween night to replace them.. 

I contacted Ben Howard overseas so we can get the opening act and the dog skit completed. He has not contacted me back about final project.  I hope he does soon so we can start detailed performance ..


All the Routines have been tested as a set, we have 48 Minutes of show with intermission videos so the animatronics can rest.  This has been a one year process to get all the pieces together and all the right size cables made. on this page there will be a video of all the equipment around the house strung together with DMX cables.  It has been a learning curve due to all the different companies involved from animatronics to switching and even lights not all playing well together.  Next year this will open the door t the true goal of custom designed routines so look forward to see that page pop up here shortly after Halloween.

                                        ( ALL THE FOLLOWING ROUTINES ARE DONE AND TESTED [10/16/16])
                                                                   Animatronic Routines

BOBO the clown/Crazy Clown/Rats       There are Rats  (BOBO)             The Rhyme of ME (SAM)
​ I Like Nightmares(BO-SAM)  (SONG)         Freak Show (BOBO)                    lOST dog(BOBO)
​ The haunting                                      Killer Klown (Song)                  I can See you (BOBO)
 Trick or Treat <KIDS>                           Let me Out  (BOBO)                  Opening Stage show ACT
 I will be good  (BOBO)                           Don't Put Me Back (SAM)           Close The Crate (SAM)

                                                        VIDEO INTERMISSION FILES
Creepy Intermission                            Birth Of Sam and BOBO              Sam Upset he has no body           10 Minute Clown]
Full Schoolbus Story                            Seasons Greetings                    Sams Movie Debut     

                   For control of all the routine from a remote(watertight Iphone 5) there is the final piece to the puzzle 

                  HELMSMAN Pro witch allows for seamless changes from set to set or even custom play and then return to the list                     as programmed ..