BoBo and his Family of Characters History

NEW FOR 2025 Real Recordings of First hand Account of BOBO Birth.. By I.N.S.

And Karl Returns​ Click on BoBo's Story...

The Campbell Family's Fun Stuff


(Monday October the 20th: 8:30pm)
  There has been a disaster in the small New York town of Bolton Landing and it is not what you would expect or believe.  From what authorities can piece together it appears that the town’s party entertainer that you would find at many kid’s events around there is dead.  Reports are leaking out about some type of magical experiment taking place at the address of the deceased.  There are remains of thousands of rats in the basement and local animal officials have been called in. We will keep you updated on the events at this location as we get more information.

 (Monday October the 20th: 10:00pm)
We have been able to get more details about the experiments going on here over the past few nights.  An unnamed source stated that “BOBO seems to not completely be dead and he is being transported to a facility to be studied."  I will state that as I was waiting on the sidewalk officials in full bio gear was carrying a box with lines of red and white to a waiting truck, when one of them tripped it appeared that a skeletal hand fell out of the box and appeared to grab at the official before being put back in the box and closed up again.   Also when the box opened there was disgusting looking goo that fell all over the pumpkins in the pumpkin patch BOBO seemed to have in his front yard.

(Tuesday October the 21st: 10:30am)
After interviewing the next door neighbor it has been learned that BOBO has been distort for weeks about the loss of his dear beagle named Bags who was killed a few weeks ago. She stated that BOBO would comment that he had a way to bring his friend back from the grave so they could be together for decades more.   I also got an update from the police lab prior to it being destroyed earlier today by what would appear to have been a bomb.  I was told that the “goo” I reported earlier seems to be some kind of re-animator liquid.  What I was told is that it can bring back to life anything that it touches; yes I mean it could have brought Bags back to BOBO.  I will try to get more detailed information on this in the next few hours.

(Tuesday October the 21st: 12:30pm)
After talking to the officials from animal control I have found out that the rats found on the floor seemed to have human flesh in there stomachs and some of them have decayed externally for over 10 years.  This would seem to indicate that the rats were in fact revived from being dead for up to 10 years just to attack then die off again.  Another interesting seemingly unrelated story is that at this location there seems to be four pumpkins stolen from the front yard of the deceased although authorities seem to think it was animals by the way the roots were bitten through It just does not seem to be to be completely unrelated to the events going on here.

(Wednesday October the 22nd: 12:30am)
I have gotten to see the crate I spoke about earlier through some not so normal means.  But I must report to you that all the reports seem to be true after what I have just witnessed.  I was in witness of the crate when it seemed to open by itself and a half eaten skeleton raised itself out of the box at which time I had a conversation with a thing in a clown outfit that said its name was indeed BOBO the clown I earlier spoke about being killed. The thing we will call “BOBO” told me that he was trying to bring his lost friend Bags back from his long sleep when something went very wrong spilling the brew they were using.  Then he began talking about the rats that ate him and that was the end of the conversation as he climbed back in his box to get away from the imaginable rats. I will come back to see if I can get more details later in the night.

(Wednesday October the 22nd: 5:00am)
IT’S GONE! I went back to the facility and it was empty, not even a scrap of paper was left on the walls. It seems like there was a complete cleanup and these people were SCARED by the way things were tipped over and just torn away from the facility.  I did find a spare gas mask in the corner of a large room that seemed to have its walls burnt.  Other than that there was only a partial piece of paper with the word "DANGER ANIMAL WASTE"  I do not know what has happened to BOBO or whatever that was.  And what is going to happen to me after reporting this story? In the future look out for anything about BOBO and stay away from it.  I guess where the crate was taken and I am going there tonight.  I should have an update by the first AM.

(Monday October the 27th: 4:45pm)

I've taken a few days and tried to sort this through so I can figure out what I am being told, it doesn't make sense in some aspects then at other times it all seems to fit together. It has been a long time but now I seem to understand that it's true that BoBo whom I have started calling this abomination of medical science has also been lost, it looks like he is being tucked away like some dirty secret so I will continue to try to find him.  However, in the meantime, there have been even more strange events in this town.  Outright scary stories like you might read in a book, what I am being told and I have checked on and this seems to be true. The pumpkin patch in front of BoBo's house was in turn a real pumpkin patch but it was not dug up, It appears that the pumpkins grew out of the ground and could have pulled themselves out. And now there are stories in many of the small towns in this area about a small pumpkin man going from house to house and if you do not have a jack-o-lantern out to respect Halloween you will be injured. I know this sounds absurd except this thing has been "caught after being shot and having parts cut off and the only way we could stop him was to cut off his head-like thing that looked like a pumpkin" from a long-term deputy who did not want his name given out. I have seen this head in a box with nobody still talking and screaming, which I do not know how, about "He has more work to do so give my legs back"I do not know where SAM (the pumpkin head) is any longer because the authorities took him away after they freaked out when that saw me talking to him by throwing him in a truck and racing away before I could follow them, I heard Sam screaming while they sped off.  Oh My god I do not know what is happening in this town, It's getting outright creepy around here.  I must ask myself can it get any worse? I need to check around a few more places that might give me answers, I would not publish this until the whole story is found out...


It is now Halloween, I do not even remember how long ago this story was started, I found out there is a collector down south who has paid for these and other items from this event, I guess he is very powerful to be able to run a coverup as big as this. While I have been trying to trace things down I have found a new character that seems to be directly involved with all this chaos and mess. It's a witch from New Orleans or maybe Russia I do not know for sure yet, I can't get a real answer yet but I do have some direct quotes from those who have been around her " Her Gayz will freeze you in your tracks" is what those who have been around her on the street and they say they that they never want to see her again. The description I have gotten is an old woman dressed in a dark grey pullover that hides her large nose and white hair. I have not seen or talked to her myself but this is what I have found out. She has been alive for over 150 years according to the records I have found, Yes I know I said "One Hundred and Fifty Years".  I have also found out that she had a brother as well he is alive not here but in another town and just as evil as she is but he wanted to be a clown from what I found out. Her name is unpronounceable by me, I have found out that she could tell your fortune in tea leaves until the town folks saw BoBO going into her shop before this all started. It has been said that she gave him a cauldron and the supplies needed to bring bag his beagle bags. So it would seem that that is where the cauldron came from that was tipped and causing everything in the ground under BoBo's basement to come alive again and destroy him before dying off again. It seems that the position will keep alive what is alive and will bring alive what was never alive. Luckly what comes alive from being dead returns to death again. So BoBo seems to have become a half-eaten zombie clown. I have more to say but I do not have time now Tony, First I need to verify what I was told and try to locate where and when these hell puppets are to be transported. If I am still alive tomorrow I will call again with my updates.

(HALLOWEEN Eve: 6:30 pm)

I have found them, Tony!  I know where they are going and know my next stop, Oh My God I do not believe this guy is going to display these zombie creatures. It seems as if he wants to have them stuck in a display in Florida, But I am sure this guy has no idea the evil he is bringing into his life.  I need to stop this insanity and put these things back in a box so they can be destroyed. I have even heard rumors of more zombified beings that I will be destroying after I am done here. First I must destroy these three creatures somehow before they spread their stuff to other items. Yes, just by having some of the green slime from BoBo fall on pumpkins Sam was born and I have been told there is another talking pumpkin with nobody as well. 


​Oh My God, I have found them all I am looking at them in the back of a truck now on the way to the airport. It would appear they have all three players in this ready to be shipped to this guy down south. I do not know if this is government or not, I will call you when I get close enough to talk to the witch so I can find out what the final game is.


Tony, I have found them all even a third crate I think is in Dead the Witch.  They are getting a plane flight 92 to Miami/Fort Lauderdale. Try everything you can Tony to stop this plane from taking off or I will need to get on it somehow to stop this insanity from taking place. I can not let this plane land once it gets in the air... Wait let me explain Tony, I am going to get on this plane and call you from there. I hope I do not need to but...

[Before it crashed in the Everglades outside Miami]

Tony, I guess you did not get the last message or you could not stop the plane from taking off. I am in the cargo bay and I can hear a mumbling or something, all the crates are here with me. I am now hearing something like chanting I guess, Let me see if I can get closer so I can hear it....(chanting in the background now getting louder "Come One come all to get yours") I am hearing something like Come one come all and see the truth that death is light and life is gone? Oh, Crap... I don't know what this means but I have to do something about this flight... There is no way this plane can land and let these creatures live. It has been great working with you Tony, I loved the stories you let me write.  Don't worry I know I have to do what I have to like I have always done. ( Chanting getting louder on tape) Strange Magic is here, If you hear anything out of these crates, the clown, witch, or the pumpkin whatever take your time and get away do not tell anyone but just stay back and stay away.  Tony, there is a detail I have not shared with you " I have found that the witch....Something is going on (You can hear loud voices in the background of the tape) The witch is trying to turn the world into the dark, the plan was to set the a city and affect everybody... (Voices are getting stranger" The Dark is coming, Light is gone") I don't really know what is going on but... No... I'm Not...( screaming and a pounding sound) {phone conversation died} 



BOBO the Clown IS NOT FULLY ALIVE but he is also NOT DEAD and the cycle of BOBO’s existence is able to be seen only one place. At CAMPBELLWEEN’s HAUNT where BOBO can perform for the lucky - or maybe not so lucky - few Along with what seems to be one of the pumpkins SAM... 

  BOBO is safe if you KEEP YOUR DISTANCE from this crate that has become his coffin forever.​


2016 Haunted Show & Display


(Monday October the 20th: 8:30pm)
  There has been a disaster in the small New York town of Bolton Landing and it is not what you would expect or believe.  From what authorities can piece together it appears that the town’s party entertainer that you would find at many kid’s events around there is dead.  Reports are leaking out about some type of magical experiment taking place at the address of the deceased.  There are remains of thousands of rats in the basement and local animal officials have been called in. We will keep you updated on the events at this location as we get more information.

 (Monday October the 20th: 10:00pm)
We have been able to get more details about the experiments going on here over the past few nights.  An unnamed source stated that “BOBO seems to not completely be dead and he is being transported to a facility to be studied."  I will state that as I was waiting on the sidewalk officials in full bio gear was carrying a box with lines of red and white to a waiting truck, when one of them tripped it appeared that a skeletal hand fell out of the box and appeared to grab at the official before being put back in the box and closed up again.   Also when the box opened there was disgusting looking goo that fell all over the pumpkins in the pumpkin patch BOBO seemed to have in his front yard.

(Tuesday October the 21st: 10:30am)
After interviewing the next door neighbor it has been learned that BOBO has been distort for weeks about the loss of his dear beagle named Bags who was killed a few weeks ago. She stated that BOBO would comment that he had a way to bring his friend back from the grave so they could be together for decades more.   I also got an update from the police lab prior to it being destroyed earlier today by what would appear to have been a bomb.  I was told that the “goo” I reported earlier seems to be some kind of re-animator liquid.  What I was told is that it can bring back to life anything that it touches; yes I mean it could have brought Bags back to BOBO.  I will try to get more detailed information on this in the next few hours.

(Tuesday October the 21st: 12:30pm)
After talking to the officials from animal control I have found out that the rats found on the floor seemed to have human flesh in there stomachs and some of them have decayed externally for over 10 years.  This would seem to indicate that the rats were in fact revived from being dead for up to 10 years just to attack then die off again.  Another interesting seemingly unrelated story is that at this location there seems to be four pumpkins stolen from the front yard of the deceased  although authorities seem to think it was animals by the way the roots were bit through It just does not seem to be to be completely unrelated to the events going on here.

(Wednesday October the 22nd: 12:30am)
I have gotten to see the crate I spoke about earlier through some not so normal means.  But I must report to you that all the reports seem to be true after what I have just witnessed.  I was in witness of the crate when it seemed to open by itself and a half eaten skeleton raised itself out of the box at which time I had a conversation with a thing in a clown outfit that said its name was indeed BOBO the clown I earlier spoke about being killed. The thing we will call “BOBO” told me that he was trying to bring his lost friend Bags back from his long sleep when something went very wrong spilling the brew they were using.  Then he began talking about the rats that ate him and that was the end of the conversation as he climbed back in his box to get away from the imaginable rats. I will come back to see if I can get more details later in the night.

(Wednesday October the 22nd: 5:00am)
IT’S GONE! I went back to the facility and it was empty, not even a scrap of paper was left on the walls. It seems like there was a complete cleanup and these people were SCARED by the way things were tipped over and just torn away from the facility.  I did find a spare gas mask in the corner of a large room that seemed to have its walls burnt.  Other than that there was only a partial piece of paper with the world "DANGER ANIMAL WASTE"  I do not know what has happened to BOBO or whatever that was.  And what is going to happen to me after reporting this story. In the future look out for anything about BOBO and stay away from it.  I guess where the crate was taken and I am going there tonight.  I should have an update you by first AM.

(Monday October the 27th: 4:45pm)
I've taken a few days and tried to sort this through so I can figure out what I am being told, it doesn't make sense in some aspects then at other times it all seems to fit together. It has been a long time but now I seem to understand that it's true that BoBo whom I have started calling this abomination of medical science has also been lost, it looks like he is being tucked away like some dirty secret so I will continue to try to find him.  However, in the meantime, there have been even more strange events in this town.  Outright scary stories like you might read in a book, what I am being told and I have checked on and this seems to be true. The pumpkin patch in front of BoBo's house was in turn a real pumpkin patch but it was not dug up, It appears that the pumpkins grew out of the ground and could have pulled themselves out. And now there are stories in many of the small towns in this area about a small pumpkin man going from house to house and if you do not have a jack-o-lantern out to respect Halloween you will be injured. I know this sounds absurd except this thing has been "caught after being shot and having parts cut off and the only way we could stop him was to cut off his head-like thing that looked like a pumpkin" from a long-term deputy who did not want his name given out. I have seen this head in a box with nobody still talking and screaming, which I do not know how, about "He has more work to do so give my legs back"I do not know where SAM (the pumpkin head) is any longer because the authorities took him away after they freaked out when that saw me talking to him by throwing him in a truck and racing away before I could follow them, I heard Sam screaming while they sped off.  Oh My god I do not know what is happening in this town, It's getting outright creepy around here.  I must ask myself can it get any worse? I need to check around a few more places that might give me answers, I would not publish this until the whole story is found out...

It is now Halloween, I do not even remember how long ago this story was started, I found out there is a collector down south who has paid for these and other items from this event, I guess he is very powerful to be able to run a coverup as big as this. While I have been trying to trace things down I have found a new character that seems to be directly involved with all this chaos and mess. It's a witch from New Orleans or maybe Russia I do not know for sure yet, I can't get a real answer yet but I do have some direct quotes from those who have been around her " Her Gayz will freeze you in your tracks" is what those who have been around her on the street and they say they that they never want to see her again. The description I have gotten is an old woman dressed in a dark grey pullover that hides her large nose and white hair. I have not seen or talked to her myself but this is what I have found out. She has been alive for over 150 years according to the records I have found, Yes I know I said "One Hundred and Fifty Years".  I have also found out that she had a brother as well he is alive not here but in another town and just as evil as she is but he wanted to be a clown from what I found out. Her name is unpronounceable by me, I have found out that she could tell your fortune in tea leaves until the town folks saw BoBO going into her shop before this all started. It has been said that she gave him a cauldron and the supplies needed to bring bag his beagle bags. So it would seem that that is where the cauldron came from that was tipped and causing everything in the ground under BoBo's basement to come alive again and destroy him before dying off again. It seems that the position will keep alive what is alive and will bring alive what was never alive. Luckly what comes alive from being dead returns to death again. So BoBo seems to have become a half-eaten zombie clown. I have more to say but I do not have time now Tony, First I need to verify what I was told and try to locate where and when these hell puppets are to be transported. If I am still alive tomorrow I will call again with my updates.

(HALLOWEEN Eve: 6:30 pm)
I have found them, Tony!  I know where they are going and know my next stop, Oh My God I do not believe this guy is going to display these zombie creatures. It seems as if he wants to have them stuck in a display in Florida, But I am sure this guy has no idea the evil he is bringing into his life.  I need to stop this insanity and put these things back in a box so they can be destroyed. I have even heard rumors of more zombified beings that I will be destroying after I am done here. First I must destroy these three creatures somehow before they spread their stuff to other items. Yes, just by having some of the green slime from BoBo fall on pumpkins Sam was born and I have been told there is another talking pumpkin with nobody as well. 

​Oh My God, I have found them all I am looking at them in the back of a truck now on the way to the airport. It would appear they have all three players in this ready to be shipped to this guy down south. I do not know if this is government or not, I will call you when I get close enough to talk to the witch so I can find out what the final game is.
Tony, I have found them all even a third crate I think is in Dead the Witch.  They are getting a plane flight 92 to Miami/Fort Lauderdale. Try everything you can Tony to stop this plane from taking off or I will need to get on it somehow to stop this insanity from taking place. I can not let this plane land once it gets in the air... Wait let me explain Tony, I am going to get on this plane and call you from there. I hope I do not need to but...

[Before it crashed in the Everglades outside Miami]
Tony, I guess you did not get the last message or you could not stop the plane from taking off. I am in the cargo bay and I can hear a mumbling or something, all the crates are here with me. I am now hearing something like chanting I guess, Let me see if I can get closer so I can hear it....(chanting in the background now getting louder "Come One come all to get yours") I am hearing something like Come one come all and see the truth that death is light and life is gone? Oh, Crap... I don't know what this means but I have to do something about this flight... There is no way this plane can land and let these creatures live. It has been great working with you Tony, I loved the stories you let me write.  Don't worry I know I have to do what I have to like I have always done. ( Chanting getting louder on tape) Strange Magic is here, If you hear anything out of these crates, the clown, witch, or the pumpkin whatever take your time and get away do not tell anyone but just stay back and stay away.  Tony, there is a detail I have not shared with you " I have found that the witch....Something is going on (You can hear loud voices in the background of the tape) The witch is trying to turn the world into the dark, the plan was to set the a city and affect everybody... (Voices are getting stranger" The Dark is coming, Light is gone") I don't really know what is going on but... No... I'm Not...( screaming and a pounding sound) {phone conversation died} 



BOBO the Clown IS NOT FULLY ALIVE but he is also NOT DEAD and the cycle of BOBO’s existence is able to be seen only one place. At CAMPBELLWEEN’s HAUNT where BOBO can perform for the lucky - or maybe not so lucky - few Along with what seems to be one of the pumpkins SAM... 

  BOBO is safe if you KEEP YOUR DISTANCE from this crate that has become his coffin forever.​

So we are starting already with a few clown skits on youtube..  lookup Campbellween ..

So the date is August 18th and SAM has come to life with his voice finally.  We are working hard at getting the friendship between SAM and BOBO to come around.  They both have there own personalities and quirks so it will be a hard road that hopefully has a spooky ending that you can see here..

This year will be an outside haunt show only. HOPE THERE IS NO RAIN....  you can find more details soon here!

​I would like to give thanks to Ben Howard who gives BOBO his voice for me and Skulltronics who gives him life.

​​WE have started the process of syncing all the equipment in each skit.  A long process and wires and lights everywhere all over the house for a few weeks..  since most people here can not ever see the real haunt I will post videos of each scene until I get real videos of Halloween night to replace them.. 

I contacted Ben Howard overseas so we can get the opening act and the dog skit completed. He has not contacted me back about final project.  I hope he does soon so we can start detailed performance ..

Just uploaded here the first four of the final skits we will be showing on halloween night.  Syncinmg of SAm and bobo is easy when the voices are here.  However BEN has not responded back to me about extra bobo work.. so my hands are tied on that option.

BEN HOWARD HAS NEVER GOTTEN BACK TO US..  So we went with a new voice for BOBO it is close to the original voice,,  

 We have completed our 50 minute routine before it repeats a single routine set.  And there are even two routines we can set off if needed remotely.  The whole show runs off of an IPhone set to remote control the system..

 Evey few years we will lunch a new character to grow our family of AniActors at Campbellween ... The Story must go ON:

The above story is an original and as such is considered copywrited on this site on the date of July 16th, 2024. Any use of this story must first be agreed to by its owner at the below contact address... Thank You.... here.